12 Apostles, 12 hours

12 Apostles, 12 hours arose while I lived anti-squatting at the Postjesweg 124. Then a decrepit old mosque and before that a Catholic Brotherhood. This project was part of my graduation presentation at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy. These pamphlets, together with the video The Holy Foreskin of Jesus, formed my graduation presentation.

Wolf Maria Mulder – Poetic Artist – 12 Apostles, 12 hours

The common thread in my work is Wolf Maria Mulder – Poetic Artist:

The why:

What drives me to make art is to cherish and record memories, stories and events.

the how:

This is done through the archaeological dissecting of everyday life and the making of souvenirs. Making the small big and the big small.

The what:

I give my found and made souvenirs a stage by recording them in video, photography and text. I also help artists visualize their poetic lyrics in music videos.


I also started a YouTube channel. Nice if you take a look and if you like it subscribe to my channel

Terms and Conditions:

My general terms and conditions apply to all my offers and transactions. It describes what happens to my work after purchase. And how to further treat this work. The following provisions are described. Use, penance, unauthorized use, discounts and cancellation.

If you want to view these general terms and conditions, click on this link: General terms and conditions. It is also possible to receive them by mail. These can be sent to you free of charge by e-mail. This message is confidential. It is forbidden to share this message or to let others read or view it. Thank you very much for your attention and reading this text under the Wolf Maria Mulder – Poetic Artist.

The method of making:

This is a basic set-up of my working method, which can differ per project.

In addition, general terms and conditions apply. <

A Phase 1. intake / analysis / research / idea generation

The Phase 2. strategy / plan of approach / concept development / sketch designs

In Phase 3. provisional final design

On to Phase 4. final design / execution / production preparation.

The last, Phase 5. realization / delivery.

Optional: Phase 6. evaluation / fine tuning delivery.


If you want to collaborate, you can always send me an email: wolfmariamulder@me.com.

Wolf Maria Mulder – Zea – Hâld dy Harsens

Wolf Maria Mulder Hald dy Harsens (ZEA)

Hald dy de harses.mp4

I made this video for the music artist artist Arnold de Boer his Frisian album.

Wolf Maria Mulder Hald dy Harsens (ZEA)

In 2018 I made the video clip for the song Hâld dy Harsens by Zea. I made the plan for the video directly on location. For Hâld dy Harsens I was commissioned to make one on the spot in Arnold’s house. There was no script and no schedule that was created on the spot. Just the length of the song and Arnold’s house.

I made more videos for Zea, click the button below if you want to see more videos.

Before I started working on the video Hâld dy Harsens (ZEA) I walked through Arnold’s house and took in the space and walked around there quietly. I also took some pictures for inspiration and preparation for the video clip. Before I went, we had a cup of coffee and talked about the song and where inspiration came from for the song Hâld dy Harsens. The song is about not having to tell everything immediately when you hear something. If your neighbor puts some gin in his coffee, you can keep it to yourself. You don’t need to know everything. Arnold told me this in his hometown Makkum stories very quickly do the rounds and then the whole village knows about it. Something that has always stayed with him and that’s what he made this beautiful song about. The song Hâld dy Harsens was also part of the beautiful Frisian-language album: Moarn gean ik dea. Be sure to listen to this album. What I especially like is his performances.

Here are some of the photos taken on the shoot:

Wolf Maria Mulder Hald dy Harsens (ZEA)
Wolf Maria Mulder Hald dy Harsens (ZEA)
Wolf Maria Mulder Hald dy Harsens (ZEA)

Arnold zelf maakt ook nog meer muziek die kan je vinden op: http://www.zea.dds.nl

The Holy Foreskin of Jesus

The Holy Foreskin of Jesus is een video pamflet. De angry young men kwam in mijzelf naar boven.
Samen met het werk 12 Apostelen, 12 uren vormde dit mijn afstudeerpresentatie aan de Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Het idee voor deze video ontstond door het een lichtelijke boze en teleurgestelde blik op de wereld.
Dit viel samen met mijn afstuderen en zo begon ik video beelden te maken. Ik maakte video’s op de fiets en in het toenmalige huis waar ik toen woonde.

Het was een antikraak pand en ik had in die tijd best vieze huisgenoten. En soms kwamen er ook vreemde mensen en dieren binnen. Ik keek toen ook erg veel televisie en daar werd de wereld niet op zijn mooist vertoond. Dit was erg heftig maar het resulteerde wel in fijn beeldmateriaal.

Dat ik weer kon gebruiken voor mijn pamflet. Daarnaast filmde ik ook veel het scherm van computer. Het scenario voor dit pamflet ontstond tijdens het maken van de film en de besprekingen die ik had om de academie. Elke keer dat ik een bespreking had kwam er weer een stukje bij om gingen er grote stukken vanaf. Na veel ploeteren was de video af en net op tijd klaar voor de eindpresentatie. The Holy Foreskin of Jesus.

Ik studeerde af en daarna was de video zeven dagen te zien op de eindexamen tentoonstelling van de Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

The Holy Foreskin of Jesus installation, Rietveld Graduation Show 2012

The Holy Foreskin of Jesus installation, Rietveld Graduation Show 2012

Voor de presentatie op de academie had 9 tv gehuurd en ze met elkaar verbonden. De kijker kon met een koptelefoon op naar de video kijken. Het liefst had ik geluid door de hele ruimte laten klinken.

Dit was niet mogelijk omdat mijn buren ook een video hadden. Ik kreeg veel leuke reacties en sommige konden kijkers konden hun tranen niet in bedwang houden. Voor de video maakte ik ook de muzikale bewerking.

Hier nog wat screenshot uit de video:

The Holy Foreskin of Jesus
The Holy Foreskin of Jesus
The Holy Foreskin of Jesus

Zea – Gean net by my wei

No Title

Taken from the Zea album “Witst noch dat d’r neat wie” (Makkum Records/Subroutine – MR33/SR119). Production by Explore the North / Popfabryk. buy the album at: https://makkumrecords.nl or https://zeamusic.bandcamp.com or https://subroutine.nl Original: Jaques Brel (Ne me quitte pas) Version: Arnold de Boer / Zea (language: Frisian) Cello: HARALD AUSTBØ.

Zea-I build my own town-video

A song from the new Zea album called The Swimming City, out this spring on Makkum Records.
This video was made by Wolf Maria Mulder

Zea- I Build My Own Town

A song from the new Zea album called The Swimming City, out this spring on Makkum Records. This video was made by Wolf Maria Mulder
