Teenage Magazines presents the result of a collaboration between the Photography Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Foam. Photography students were challenged to create work based upon the so-called Teenage Magazines. The result is a magazine shown in this exhibition in the form of an enlarged dummy. The magazine contains work as provocative as it is poetic and intimate, and will be published this spring.
It is part of the philosophy of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie for students to move beyond the walls of the institution at an early stage in their education. By showing approximately seventy prints, the thirty-five participating students from the Photography Department reveal the Zeitgeist of their generation. The result varies from single images to short series in which the images’ relationship to a magazine provides the essential framework. Teenage Magazines contains still-lifes, nudes, family portraits, reproductions and form experiments in which the importance of autonomous images within the department is clearly emphasized